Planning, Procrastination, and Motivation

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Pomodoro helps you to remain focused during smaller portions of time and then providing a 5 minute brain break! Great to stave off procrastination and increase motivation. 

Med School Insiders provides a quick video on tips and a great explanation of the Pomodoro Technique!

Learn to eat the frog first! Once you read this, the SMART goals worksheet may be a good option to follow up as you set your goals.

College Note Taking and Reading

SQ3R Reading Technique
There's a lot of reading in college. Discover an effective way to read college textbooks by watching this short video.

Test/Exam Preparation

Pre Test Questionnaire.docx

Before taking a test or exam, fill out the pre test questionnaire as an assessment to the effectiveness of your learning habits. Keep this available to refer back to.

Test Autopsy Questionnaire.docx

After you receive the results of your test or exam, fill out the the test autopsy and refer back to your pre test questionnaire to see what improvements you may want to consider to best prepare for your next test or exam.

The Most Powerful Way to Remember What You Study

Thomas Frank, college guru, in this video shares a powerful learning strategy. Though it may seem clumsy at first, it will be an efficient way to remember what you are learning.